Health Informatics:


In recent years, health informatics is gradually being recognized as the only practical means to ensure proper healthcare for everybody. Sky Network Solutions has aligned itself with this trend and is pursuing R&D on e-health and related topics. Two major categories are being addressed.


1. ICT for Child Care

2. Electronic Medical/Health Records


1. ICT for Child Care


The future of a nation depends on how it rears its next generations. Proper health care, immunization, nutrition and physical or mental growth are essential for ensuring a sound growth for every child. The parents have immense responsibilities to this end. Application of ICT can make parental care and social management of infant care efficient and more effective. In addition to the possible applications indeveloped countries, the rapid penetration of mobile phones offer great potential for such services in emerging countries or the BOP population. Sky Network Solution is working on realization of such social information infrastructure in three plains, namely users, services and records.




2. Electronic Medical/Health Records


            Field workers:

            Local health center:

            Central hospital:

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Our efforts are centered around electronic medical or health records (EMR) and interoperability. We believe in a unique personal EMR for each person. A three level hierarchy built around it will be imperative to ensure effective and efficinet health services for people in all sections of the society. Interoperable technologies promoted by bodies like Continua Health Alliance will be enabling a smooth implementation of this hierarchical structure.

It is unfortunate that in some developed countries, legal issues are hindering a rapid advancement of medical informatics. Hence, we are also focusing e-health services for the emerging nations where such regulations are less stringent. Moreover, SkyNet believes e-health will be the way to bring in people at the bottom/base of the pyramid (BoP) under qualified medical coverage with adequate business potentials for the concerned parties.


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